Saturday, January 11, 2014

Web Content—The Writing Process

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A masterpiece does not happen with a blink of an eye or snap of the finger. Similar to conducting a surgery, developing a program, or driving a car, writing is a process. However, it is no cookbook formula. There is no need to follow it step-by-step, lest you commit a mistake along the way. Instead, it serves as a guide to keep your thoughts organized.

Unlike science or mathematics where everything is black-and-white, writing is as broad as the spectrum of colors. It is for that reason that writing is custom-made. It is not tailored to fit all. There are a gazillion ways to write a sentence or present a topic.

No matter. Whichever communication channel you are writing for, the process can be summarized into three parts: Read, Write, and Revise.

Read. Considerably the initial phase prior to writing your piece, reading is about gathering data relevant to your task. Data refers to research, publisher guidelines, and client instructions.
Although this stage may be excluded in fiction and prose, it is necessary for manuscripts requiring factual sources and content. Pro's on the subject matter might skip this phase and proceed to writing, basing content on experience and knowledge. Otherwise, this is quintessential prior to writing. It is impossible to write about something you know nothing about.

Write. After reading up on your topic, it is time to put everything together. As mentioned earlier, the writing process is not a cookbook formula because no one can say for certain how many minutes or hours it will take you to complete each phase. Moreover, you could start conceptualizing your article while gathering data. Some writers prefer to know everything about the topic before writing anything. Others work on their initial draft before researching.

The process is a guide to keep you from discarding files containing unfinished sentences. It helps you construct logical ideas and keep your thoughts on track.

Revise. Though the final stage, revising is when the real work begins. It is about reading, re-reading, proofreading, and editing your work. Unless you're the publisher, your work will go through the editor or editorial board, publisher, and client for additional revisions or approval.

If you think reading and writing are exhausting, revising will test your patience and desire to stay in this profession. Here's a little something Stephen King wrote about writing for yourself and editing with your audience in mind:
When you write a story, you're telling yourself the story. When you rewrite, your main job is taking out all the things that are not the story. Your stuff starts out being just for you, but then it goes out.
Write to your heart's content. Write about everything you know and what you believe your readers ought to know. Write without reserve. But once you start editing, be ruthless. Mercilessly restructure it for your target audience. The article Web Content-Writing for the Internet offers additional insight about preparing content for the Web. If you are publishing for platforms new to you, search for reliable resources or refer to your publisher's guidelines.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Web Content - Writing for the Internet

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The worldwide boom of the Internet generated a minefield of lucrative opportunities for businesses and professionals-including writers. Once confined to the limited requirements of traditional media, writers now have a wide range of career options.
Initially, you might think preparing Web content means writing an article. That's right. But to come to think of it, Web content per se actually comes in many forms. It is not restricted to articles. That's because Web content refers to every single thing you see on the Net. Everything you see and read on advertisements, social media, blogs, and websites are all Web content.
The broadness of Web content speaks of the many jobs available for writers. It is for this reason that some argue about specializing in a particular field. However, dabbling to know a bit of everything is just as vital as focusing in a particular area of expertise. Whichever path you choose to take, there are a few factors to consider when writing for the Web.
Be it 10,000 words that will make up an entire site or a single sentence on an ad, Web content is influenced by various elements. These elements make up the ABC's of writing: Asses, Bait, and Correct.
Assess Content Requirements
Every communication channel is influenced by certain variables. You, the content creator, must ascertain that the requisites of these variables are met. Considerably, it is your prime obligation. Traditional or new media, these variables can be summarized into three:
1. Purpose
2. Readers
3. Client 
Content revolves around a particular intention. Knowing your purpose is probably the most crucial step before proceeding with any other task. It determines the direction towards your ultimate goal: producing the required material.
A good grasp of what your client needs and what your readers want helps mold your content into what's suitable and acceptable. Remember: the rule that customers are always right is a myth. Although readers are the ultimate receiver, the client is your QA. The absolute arbitrator, the client has the last say whether or not to publish your work.
Bait Reader Attention 
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With hundreds of pages published daily, what are the guarantees that your targeted readers would spot and read your content? In a single page, how can you be sure someone will notice your ad measuring two inches in length and width? Imagine the chances if it is placed at the bottom of the page. It would have to scream to be heard.
To address this problem, ask yourself two simple questions: Why should people read my content? How can I get them to read it?
Answering those questions increases your chances of being noticed and read. In the process, throw in effective digital marketing strategies to boost traffic and ranking.
Correct, Correct, Correct
It cannot be emphasized more. Edit, edit, edit. Proofread, proofread, proofread. You can reason all you want, but you have to make it the final step before turning in your work. Even if you're not an editor, it is your duty to go over your work. Even professional writers obsess over proofreading their manuscripts that they end up with a pile of revisions. It does not end there. They instinctively check published works for errors-just in case.
Give as much time as you can to editing and proofreading your work. Writing can be a breeze when you're in the zone. But editing and proofreading are burdensome and strenuous. You have to mercilessly restructure sentences, scrap out entire paragraphs, or start over from scratch if needed. 
As an online writer, bear in mind that speed and global reach are two of the most remarkable features of the Internet. You can instantly deliver your content to every corner of the globe as soon as you hit the "publish" button. A simple grammar mistake, misspelled word, and an extra period overlooked are enough reasons for readers to get turned off.
The Internet is a massive digital cosmos. Knowing the nuts and bolts of writing for the Internet will help you find your way around and open doors of career opportunities. Moreover, it takes away all the complications and makes your job fun and simple.
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